Here are the top ten things you can do to conserve energy in your air compressor system that are very simple. These easy measures can have a significant influence on your energy cost.

Here is a list of ten simple and affordable things you may do to conserve energy in your air system.

  1. Turn It Off – Any compressor or chiller system that is not being used should be switched off on a regular basis or set to a timer. Savings of 20-40% are possible.
  2. Repair Leaks — During downtime, walk around your facility to identify and repair any obvious leaks. The most likely culprits are leaking hoses and disconnects. Savings of 15-20% are possible.
  3. Clean Coolers and Condensers — For maximum efficiency, compressors/chillers/dryers require clean coolers. Savings of 15-20% are possible
  4. Change any open blow-offs to a low-cost flow reduction nozzle. Savings of 20-30% are possible, with noise reduction as an added advantage.

  5. Change Filters – To reduce pressure drop, compressor intake and compressor line filters should be changed every six months. Savings range from 5 to 10%.
  6. Open Vents – A 120° F room reduces the compressor’s capacity by 20%. Maintain space by setting vents as near to 95° as feasible. Savings of 15 to 20%.
  7. Eliminate Air Loss Drains — Use a zero-loss drain to replace any open condensate drain or solenoid drain valve. Savings of 3-5 percent with a payback period of less than six months.
  8. Reduce System Pressure Drop — Using an accurate gauge, determine major pressure decreases. Simple pipe modifications can be used to repair a 10 PSI decrease. Savings of up to 10% are possible.

  9. Change System Pressure – Reduce to the lowest PSI required for all equipment to function correctly. A 2 PSI drop equals a 1% reduction in electricity cost. Savings of up to 10% are possible.
  10. Free System Evaluations – Use your Power Company’s or Compressor/Cooling System Vendor’s experience to assess your system for early advice — it’s valuable.

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