With the increase of LED screens and digital LCDs, they have become attractive to large companies as a means of brand recognition and as a way to organize advertising campaigns. Previously only external advertising was digital. Today digital advertising campaigns can run on the streets and in public buildings and are often crowded.

Advantages of Digital Media

The reasons for joining digital media in one project are interesting. Specifically, Internet / All networks use different screens, in different locations – but they all have one common denominator: Internet-based IP devices.

Therefore, digital networks can be operated from one control center and offer online feedback on advertising efficiency. This cross-platform platform is the first example of emerging digital IP media.

To date, the technical ability of the network to conduct online broadcasting has been largely in demand. The only exception is sporting events that are sometimes shown on large external LED screens, both installations are fixed and rented. This category also includes outdoor advertising zones similar to Times Square in New York where breaking news is featured daily. However, it is clear that the choice of online broadcasting on modern digital video platforms will play an increasingly important role as the technology matures.

At the same time our perception of the video screen is gradually changing. Users are used to passively watch TV screens at home and LED screens on the street. Public spaces are gradually filled with LED-based media facades, projector imagery or buildings into screens with pixel windows at night. In addition, dynamic interactive interactive screens (touch screens and multi-screen technology) are fast entering our lives.

Naturally, the number of such projects is relatively small and can be implemented in a limited number of public areas, usually very popular among locals. But the influence of the big screen is undeniable. Some of these projects are being implemented in celebration of the popular technology www.mediafacades.eu or charity event. Regardless of their artistic or creative impact, such projects are costly and cannot be commercially viable.

Psychologists have recently identified a more important factor in our digital behavior that supports the development of the digital environment. People are gradually getting used to digital media in general. Indeed modern people are surrounded by digital devices: PCs, netbooks, navigators, media players, play stations, ATMs and more.

As a result, our perception is adapted to digital media, and we are more accepting of video advertising than print media. This is why standard billboards are gradually being transferred to electronic boards and digital panels, in the metro, in public buildings, even in elevators. Statistically, 30% of smartphone owners begin an online search after seeing an attractive OOH video ad.

As we all live in this digital age, advertising must also be digital. Inevitably, this is a stable trend supported by rapid advances in digital technology. The screen is bigger and better in quality, energy saving and environmentally friendly. How fun to watch ads on such a good screen!

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